All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada and Guru-Parampara (Disciplic Succession).
Dear Devotees, Friends and Well-Wishers
Cordial Invitation
119th Vyasa-Puja
His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Thakur
On 24 September 2017, we will celebrate our beloved Srila Gurudeva, HDG Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Thakur’s 119th Vyasa-Puja Festival at our Vrindavan Temple (Old Dauji temple). It is my humble request that you attend the program along with your family members and friends. This will give us a great opportunity to serve our friends, the Vaishnavas.
The program will commence from the day before the anniversary on 23 September.
I was hoping to invite you personally but my present preaching schedule in abroad only allows me for sending this invitation letter. Therefore, I am humbly requesting you to please excuse any offense and graciously attend the program.
Please find the program itinerary below.
Saturday, 23 September 2017
4:30 am Mangala Arati and Temple/TulsiParikrama.
10.00 am Discourses from Chaitanya Bhagwata.
11:00 am Lunch Bhoga offering followed by Bhoga Arati
12:30 pm Prasadam
3:30 pm Vrindavan Dham Parikrama with Sankirtan Party
6:30 pm Evening Arati, followed by discourses on the Glories of Guru and Vaishnavas
9:00 pm Honor Prasadam
(Non-stop congregational chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra in our Srila Gurudeva’s Bhajan Kutir from sunset to next day sunrise).
Sunday, 24 September 2017
4:30 am Mangala Arati and Temple/TulsiParikrama.
6:30 am Vyasa-Puja ceremony, followed by Srila Gurudeva’s Arati and Puspanjali (offering a handful of flowers to Srila Gurudeva’s Lotus Feet)
9:00 am Mahajan Padavali Kirtan, followed by discourses on the glories of Guru and Vaishnavas.
11:30 am Lunch Bhoga offering and Bhoga Arati
12:30 pm Prasadam
6:30 pm Evening Arati, followed by discourses on the Glories of Guru and Vaishnavas.
End of festival activities!
Looking forward to your association,
Sincerely yours in the service of the Supreme Lord and His associates,