Even stone can melt, animal can sing and dance if they have opportunity to get connection and put constant effort in understanding great exalted personality like Srila Bhakthi Pramod Puri goswami Thakur. This spiritual personality in this modern world is very rare like rarest gem stone Bixbite and Vaishnava qualities exhibited by Him are so deep that one has to put great effort to carefully analyse and take inspiration from that. His humility like blade of grass and tolerance like tree is very well known by sincere devotees in vaishnava community which is never disputed. His simplicity can never be underestimated and rather one should set benchmark to bring such quality in their spiritual life. Human life is very rare and in fact it is even more rare to get His connection. This spiritual connection will help one to get away with all the barriers and dedicate them in the path of Saranagati i.e. giving life and soul to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s mission. Param Gurudev never bothered about anything in this material world and had single point of unalloyed devotion to His Gurudev Srila Prabhupada Bhakti Siddhantha Saraswati Prabhupada ‘s preaching mission. His direct spiritual connection with sakhis and ultimately with Srimati Radharani was understood and revealed to sincere devotees and our Gurudev Bhakthi Bibudha Bodhayan Goswami Maharaj. We want to follow all his teachings and get perfection in this very same life with their blessings. Let our endeavour to remain within their hand as an instrument and do service to Hari, Guru and Vaishnavas. Let us hope that all their blessings are absorbed within us and change ourself for good and remain as their servant life after life. This insignificant person really need your side glance that can make me fixed at your lotus feet through our Gurudev HDG Bhakthi Bibudha Bodhayan Goswami Maharaj.Your aspiring and insignificant servant who always want to be under your shelter and guidance.

Written by Mahadeva das