Radha -Govinda Jhulan Yatra

The jhulan yatra (swing pastime) of Sri Radha Govinda takes place in Vrindavan during the rainy season of Sravana month (July – August). As Lord Krsna enjoyed the pastimes with the gopis, He gradually approached the swing made of lotus flowers. Vrnda Devi and Kundalata placed the swing under Lord Hari, who sat on it. Smilingly, He coaxed the reluctant Srimati Radharani to sit beside Him. As Acyuta sat on the swing with His beloved Radharani, the delighted gopis surrounded the swing, pushing and pulling it from front and back, and singing loudly.As the swing’s speed gradually increased with the sakhis’ pushes, restless-eyed Radhika trembled with fear and held on to Iler lover, embracing Ilim. When the sakhis firmly pushed the swing, Radha and Krishna’s ear-rings swung, hair became disheveled, sashes entwined and flower garlands became entangled with Their jingling bangles.

While swinging so quickly, restless-eyed Radhika motioned to Her girlfriends for help. But the sakhis thought: “How wonderful! The swing became very restless because of our friend’s swinging! O now our mistress wants us to render some service!” Understanding this, the sakhis quickly took their respective places on the swing and began their service. Lalita and Visakha presented betel-nuts, Campakalata and Citra fanned, Tungavidya and Indulekha served from drinks from golden pitchers, and Sudevi and Rangadevi brought fragrant ointments and powders. Beginning with Lalita on the eastern petal, all the sakhis in turn served their beloveds, following the indication of Their eyes.At that time, something wonderous happened. Although the sakhis were positioned surrounding the Divine Couple, each one saw Radha and Krsna as if They were directly in front of her. Then Vrnda Devi, Kundalata, and the other gopis pushed the swing in a very pleasing way. At that time, another wonderful thing happened. Sri Hari appeared beside each sakhi who sat on each of the swing’s petals. Sri Radha and others were astonished seeing their sakhis in embrace with Hari at the same time.If a tamala tree grew on a flying golden mountain, and if that tree were embraced by a blossoming golden creeper and surrounded by a forest of tamala trees and golden plantain trees, it might resemble the sight of Lord Krsna enjoying His swing pastimes with the gopis.Surrounded by the lightning flashes of the principal gopis, the black cloud of Lord Krsna showers the nectar of His pastimes upon the world, thus extinguishing the thirst of the cataki birds of the eyes of Kundalata, Vrnda Devi, and the other gopis. All glories to that Lord Krsna, who enjoys His swing pastimes in Vrndavana forest in this way.

Govinda Lilamrita – Chapter-14; Sri Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami