Invitation and Schedule for Gaur-Purnima Festival – Mayapur 2021
Dear Devotees, Friends and Well-Wishers!
All glories to His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada and Guru – Parampara (disciplic succession).
Please accept the blessings of my beloved Srila Gurudev, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Thakur, and convey the same to all members in your congregation.
According to our tradition which was established by Srila Gurudev, this year, we are celebrating Gaur-Purnima festival for eleven days starting from Friday 19th March to Monday 29th March 2021 at our Sri Mayapur Temple, Sri Gopinath Gaudiya Math, Ishodyan, Nadia (W.B.), India. It is my humble request that you attend the program along with all your family members and friends and make this festival glorious with your presence.
According to the words of our Guru-Varga, we can be freed from our present difficult cycle of birth and death through the Parikrama (circumambulation) of Holy Navadwip (nine islands) Dham. In order to deliver us, our merciful Guru-Varga started this festival so we get the opportunity to uplift our present spiritual lives and fulfill the main purpose of this human birth.
Festival Schedule
Discourses will be held every evening from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm

19th March Friday
Adhivas (the preparation day for parikrama), from sunrise to sunset non-stop Harinam-Sankirtan in front of Srila Gurudev’s Samadhi temple.

20th March Saturday (atmanivedana-ksetra sri-antaradvipa and sravanakhya bhakti-ksetra sri-simantavipa parikrama)
We will leave our Mayapur temple at 5:00 am with Mahaprabhu’s palanquin to visit the islands Antardvip and Simantadvip.
Places to be visited:
a) Sri Chaitanya Gaudiya Math (Ishodyan).
b) The house of Nandan Acharya (Sri Sri Gaur-Nityananda Mandir) – the place where Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Chaitanya Mahaprabhu met for the first time and started the sankirtan movement.
c) The Yoga-Pith temple – the birthplace of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
d) The house of Srivas Pandit, Sankirtan-Rasa-Sthali – the place where Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu manifested Sankirtan the whole night with His close associates.
e) The house of Murari Gupta, the incarnation of Hanuman (Monkey God).
f) Sri Chaitanya Math – the parent temple of all Gaudiya Maths. This temple was established (1918) by His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupad.
g) Sri Baladeva, Sri Subhadra, Sri Jagannath temples at Sar-Danga. This place is non-different from Jagannath Puri.
h) The house of Sridhar, Sridhar Angan.
i) Bel-Pukur (the house of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s maternal uncle). Here the four Kumaras (Sanak, Sanatan, Sanandan and Sanat Kumar) achieved perfection and Nimbarka Acharya was appointed by them for establishing Sanak Sampradaya.
j) The Samadhi of Chand Kazi
k) Return to our temple.

21st March Sunday (godrumadvipa ‘kirtana’ – bhakti-ksetra and madhyadvipa ‘smarana’ – bhakti-ksetra parikrama)
We will leave our Mayapur temple at 4:45 am with Mahaprabhu’s palanquin to visit the islands Godrumdvip and Madhyadvip.
Places to be visited:
a) Sri Svananda Sukhada Kunja & Surabhi Kunja – the house and bhajan-kutir of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur.
b) Suvarna Vihar – the palace of Suvarna Sen, a famous king in the Golden Age (Satya-Yuga), who got Sri Narada Muni’s mercy and received a vision (darshan) of the golden form of the Supreme Lord. In Mahaprabhu’s pastime Suvarna Sen appeared in the form of Buddhimanta Khan.
c) Narasimha-Palli – the place where Lord Narasimhadeva took rest after delivering the demoniac Hiranayakashipu, the physical father of Bhakta Prahlad.
d) Hari-Hara Kshetra – the Deity of Half-Vishnu and Half-Shiva.
e) Return to our temple.

22nd March Monday (padasevana bhakti-ksetra sri-koladvipa, arcana-bhakti-ksetra sri-rtudvipa, vandana and dasya-bhakti-ksetra sri-jahnudvipa and sri-modadrumadvipa)
We will leave our Mayapur temple at 4:45 am with Mahaprabhu’s palanquin in order to visit the islands Koladvip, Ritudvip, Jahnudvip and Modadrumdvip.
Places to be visited:
a) The Prauda-Maya temple and Shiva-temple, presently known as Sri Poramatala.
b) Sri Devananda Gaudiya Math – the place is representing the pastime of Sri Varahadev. Here five holy rivers meet together (Pancha-Veni), it is also the place of Devananda Pandit.
c) Samudra-garh
d) Sri Sri Gaur-Gadadhara temple at Champahati and the house of the famous Vaisnava-poet Sri Jayadeva Goswami.
e) Vidyanagar – the place where all types of education were available in the Golden Age, house of Sri Vidyavacaspati and the place of Sarvabhouma Bhattacharya, the incarnation of Brihaspati, the spiritual master of the gods and goddesses (Deva and Devi from heaven).
f) Sri Radha-kunda, Ritudvipa
g) Sri Jahnu-Muni’s Ashram and the house of Vrindavandas Thakur (Mamgachi).
h) Return to our temple.

23rd March Tuesday (sakhya-bhakti-ksetra rudradvipa)
We will leave our Mayapur temple at 6.00 am with Mahaprabhu’s palanquin to visit the island of Rudradvip.
Places to be visited:
a) Simuliya, Jagai and Madhai-Ghat, Var-Kona-Ghat
b) Vrddha-sivalaya
b) Bharadvaj-tila, the house of Jayadeva Goswami
c) Rudradvip Gaudiya Math
d) Return to Mayapur temple
24th March Wednesday
a) Mangal-Arati
b) Nrisimha-Yagna (Fire Sacrifice ) from 5.30 am at Mayapur Gopinath temple Samkirtan hall
c) Hari-katha from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
d) Hari-katha from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
e) Evening Arati
f) Night Hari-Katha

25th March Thursday (trisprsa mahadvadasi vratopavasa)
a) Fasting for Trisprisa-Mahadvadasi (Amalaki)
b) Harikatha from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
c) Hari-katha from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
d) Evening Arati
e) Night Hari-Katha
f) From sunrise to next day sunrise non-stop Hare Krishna Mahamantra Kirtan inside samkirtan hall of Srila Gurudev’s Samadhi temple
26th March Friday (madhavendra-puri-padera tirobhava upalaksya)
a) Time of breakfast for Trisprisa-Mahadvadasi (Amlaki ) from 5.42 am to 9.43 am
b) Vaisnavas-Seva festival, according to the order of our beloved Srila Gurudev, His Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Pramode Puri Goswami Thakur for the disappearance day of Srila Madhavendra Puripad.
c) Dharma Sabha from 9.00 am to lunch offering (discourses and Kirtan by different Sanyasi and senior devotees about the glories of our beloved Srila Gurudev and Madhavendra Puripad
d) WVA meetings from 3.30 pm

27th March Saturday (gaura-avirbhava-utsavera adhivasa)
We will stay all day in Mayapur temple premises and observe as follows:
Gaur Purnima’s Adhibas (GauraPurnima Preparation Day)
Nonstop Hare Krishna Mahamantra Samkirtan from sun-rise to sun-set at Srila Gurudev’s Samadhi temple. Lord Krishna’s Fire-Festival.
a) Harikatha from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm
b) Hari-katha from 4.00 pm to 5.00 pm
c) Evening Arati and temple Parikrama – 5:45 to 6:30 pm
d) Kirtan and Discourses – 6:30 to 8:30 pm

28th March Sunday (gaura-purnima sri gaura-harira avirbhava)
The 535thappearance day of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, the incarnation of Divine Love (Prema-Purushottam). We will fast until moonrise and then accept anukalpa (Ekadasi-prasadam).
Dol-yatra (coloring festival) of Sri SriRadha and Krishna.
a) From sunrise to sunset Harinam Sankirtan chanting congregationally in front of Srila Gurudev’s Samadhi.
b) From 7:00 am to 4:30 pm non-stop Sri Chaitanya Bhagawata discourses.
c) At 3:30 pm we will start from temple campus for Ganga river to collect Ganga water. With the same water we will bath (ABHISHEKH) Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Deity.
d) Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s bathing ceremony (Maha-Abhishekh) will start at 5.00 pm and will continue until the time required for completion of the entire ceremony (approximately till 7:30 pm)
e) After this we will honor ANUKALPA (Ekadasi Prasad), if at all required for supporting our physical body.

29thMarch Monday (sri-jagannatha-misrera-anandotsava)
Fast breaking between 5:38 am to 9:41 am
Sri Jagannath Mishra Anandotsava – blissful festival of Sri Jagannath Mishra
Grand Feast of MahaPrasadam on the occasion of Lord Gaura’s auspicious appearance
Thank you! Haribol!
Yours in the Service of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s Mission.
Contact –
Pradyumna Das [email protected] (+91-9851404915)
Adi Gopal Das – Adi Gopal Das [email protected] (+91-9046197825)
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